Waist training is the latest trend amongst women!
Everyone wants to look their best and flaunt their flat stomach and thin waist. In order to achieve these aesthetic goals, they are using unconventional techniques like waist training.
Here, you have to wear corset-like gear known as waist trainers to make your waist narrower. When you wear it for a long time, it will alter and shape your body in an hourglass silhouette.
While this technique is trendy and effective, it is not really safe and comfortable. It will not likely result in weight loss but merely shape your body.
However, there are many risks associated with this practice. So, before you jump straight into waist training corset, make sure you clearly understand the health complications concerning it.
It is not wise to look your best at the expense of your body and health. However, if you still give more importance to outer appearance, make sure you follow this technique with care to minimize the risks.
In this article, we are going to discuss the downside of corset training. It will help you to understand the risks and dangers.
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What Is Waist Training?

Waist training is an unconventional technique to shape and narrow down your waist. Here, you have to wear waist cinchers for nearly 8 to 12 hours a day to shape your body. Answer what is a waist trainer and how it works.
It is a training corset used in body modification. This may be for orthopedic or cosmetic purposes. There are many different types of corsets, and the correct one for your situation will vary greatly.
The process of using a training or shaping corset is a great way to change your appearance. Waist training can help you correct bad posture by reshaping your torso and relieving back pain.
However, as you have to wear these trainers for hours on a daily basis, it can cause many health problems. You also have to tighten the corset gradually, which is really unsafe and uncomfortable.
Waist trainers squeeze your midsection in an uncomfortable way and cause sweating so that you can lose water weight. However, the results are temporary.
It also shrinks your stomach and organs, which has many side effects. So, it can help you achieve a slimmer waist, but the technique is pretty dangerous.
Can Waist Training Really Help You Lose Weight?

There are many influencers promoting the use of waist trainers to lose weight. The newest craze involves wearing a corset all day long.
The waist trainers are used to support the canister in the midsection and the core—the muscles in the abdomen shrink, which leads to a flat stomach and narrow waist.
Some people use waist trainers to restore their abs, but this is not a long-term solution. However, it doesn’t have to lose weight.
When you wear a waist trainer, it merely puts pressure on your waist and mid-section. It squeezes your body like tight shapewear. Apart from that, these trainers are hot and cause sweating.
When you wear it for a long time, it helps you to lose water weight around your waist and stomach. However, this weight loss is temporary as it doesn’t burn the fat.
It also shrinks your core muscles and stomach, thereby reducing your appetite. All these things give you an impression of weight loss.
However, the truth is that waist training doesn’t help you lose any weight. It only makes your waist thin.
Dangers and Downside of Waist Training

Waist training is an unnatural way to reduce waist size that causes pain and discomfort. Apart from this, there are other risks associated with this technique as well. Here is some downside of waist training.
Breathing Problems
Waist trainers are very popular in the fashion world, but wearing one for long periods of time can have a negative effect on breathing. These corsets can limit blood flow to organs, which can make breathing difficult and lead to a decreased energy level. Many women have even reported passing out while wearing these trainers.
These garments are similar to corsets but differ in their structure. In addition to restricting the chest, they can also restrict the diaphragm, a muscle that helps breathe. By compressing the diaphragm, waist trainers can interfere with the natural breathing process. A corset can cause abdominal discomfort and even difficulty breathing. It decreases lung capacity as well.
Gastrointestinal Problems
Waist training can cause digestive problems. This is because the internal organs are not able to move freely. If you wear a waist cincher for long periods, the intestines can become compressed. This can lead to bloating and gastrointestinal issues. Some people even experience difficulty breathing after wearing the trainer.
Worse, waist training can lead to gastrointestinal and oesophageal problems. The pressure placed on your organs can cause heartburn or even gastroesophageal reflux disease. Some women have reported having heartburn or other gastrointestinal issues. The pressure applied by waist trainers can also lead to constipation and bowel irregularities.
Weak Pelvic Floor
Wearing waist trainers for a long time also weakens the pelvic floor in women. After pregnancy, the pelvic muscles, as well as the organs, need time to heal and recover. However, when you wear a corset, it puts too much pressure on the pelvic floor, thereby weakening it.
A weakened pelvic floor due to waist training is a common cause of incontinence in women. It causes difficulty in holding bowels and controlling the wind, both of which can affect your quality of life. This condition can also lead to stress or urinary incontinence.
Waist trainers may also affect your bladder and bowel control. The weight of your bladder and bowels may be too much to support, causing your bladder to back up. Lastly, your pelvic floor may be stretched out beyond its normal capacity, resulting in a depressed pelvic floor.
Meralgia Paresthetica
Meralgia paresthetica is a condition that occurs when the lateral cutaneous femoral nerve is compressed by a corset. This condition results in a burning, tingling, or burning pain on the thigh. It travels under the brim of the pelvis and is the main sensory nerve for the thigh.
Meralgia paresthetica is caused by direct pressure on the nerve, such as from tight pants, corset braces, or belts. It is a disorder characterized by a burning or numbing sensation in a specific area of the anterolateral thigh. This condition is usually caused by compression of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. The affected area usually develops a tingling or burning sensation.
Organ Damage
Waist training can damage internal organs. The corset, which squeezes all the internal organs together, can permanently damage them. The bodily fluids inside the abdomen may clog up organs, causing them to shift upward and downward. This can cause pain and may even lead to life-threatening complications, like a collapsed lung or pneumonia. Furthermore, it can prevent blood flow to organs, which can result in a variety of conditions.
Ultimately, waist training can lead to long-term damage and even deterioration of internal organs. To avoid the risk of organ damage caused by waist training, it is best to practice strength training and core muscle exercises to strengthen your abdominal muscles and reduce your waist naturally.
Can Wearing a Waist Trainer Cause Diarrhea?
When you tight lace a corset, your internal organs shift to accommodate the squeezing. For some people, this causes diarrhea or constipation. The tighter it is around their midsection the more likely they will have issues with digestion because all of these movements disrupt how things work inside us. So, yes, a waist trainer can give you diarrhea.
Skin Infections and Rashes
While many people love the look of a slim waist, a waist trainer can also cause unpleasant rashes and infections. In addition to the unpleasant rashes, waist training can damage skin and lead to painful chafing and infection.
Using waist trainers requires caution. If done incorrectly, they can limit blood flow to internal organs, causing painful rashes and infections. To avoid rashes, you should always wear proper underwear and wash your legs before wearing a waist trainer. If your skin is sensitive, wear a band-aid between your corset and skin. You can read more details about washing your waist trainer in our previous post.
There are other rashes and infections due to waist training. The main cause of these is the continuous friction that occurs when you wear a waist trainer. In worse cases, it also leads to yeast infection.
Weakens Core
A waist trainer can also cause your core muscles to become weakened. While it can provide short-term support, this can cause problems later. The main problem with a waist trainer is that it doesn’t allow your core muscles to develop. This will result in poor posture and even back pain. Moreover, it may make it difficult to sit and stand up straight.
One problem with waist training is that it causes dehydration, as your body will not be getting an adequate amount of oxygen and water. The signs of dehydration include headaches, fatigue, and dark urine. The best way to prevent dehydration is to drink plenty of water. You should drink half an ounce of water per pound of body weight.
How to Limit the Risks of Waist Training?

Even after all these complications, if you still prioritize your appearance and beauty, you need to use waist trainers in the safest way possible.
It will help you to limit the risks and avoid major health problems. Here are some things you can do to limit the risk and wear waist trainers safely.
Consult Professional
Waist trainers are a popular option to lose weight around the waist. These garments are made of thick elastic material and should be worn around your midsection tightly. While waist trainers may be beneficial in the long run, they should be used under a professional’s supervision to avoid causing injury. You should consult a doctor before starting the exercise.
Comfortable Material
When using a waist trainer, make sure you purchase one with good quality material. It will be more comfortable and help you to avoid problems like skin infection and chafing. Make sure the material is soft, comfortable, and not too tight.
Shorten Time
If you are waist training, wear the corset for a short span of time online. For example, instead of wearing it for 8 to 12 hours, you can wear it for 3 to 4 hours and gradually reduce the time. It will help you to avoid complications.
Wear Only for Special Occasions
You can try wearing it only for a special occasion. Avoid wearing it unnecessarily at home. Instead, you can wear it only for parties or when you are going out. It will be less risky if you wear it occasionally.
Keep it Loose
When you are wearing a waist trainer, keep it loose so that you can wear it comfortably without squeezing your lungs and organs. Make sure you are able to breathe when you wear it.
Skip when Uncomfortable
If the waist trainer is causing any pain or discomfort, it is best to skip it. If you wear it while facing problems, it will become worse. If you are not able to breathe or feel dizzy, avoid wearing it.
Use Lotions and Cream
You can also use locations or creams to avoid rashes and skin irritation. Apart from that, you can also cover your skin with another fabric and then wear the corset on top.
Safer Alternatives to Waist Training

Instead of waist training, you can use other alternatives to reduce your weight and waist. Here are some safer alternatives. We answered a question: “are waist trainers safe?” in a previous blog post.
Instead of wearing a waist trainer, you can wear shapewear while going out. It will help you to fit into your dress and give you a similar look without risking your health. Shapewear is a safe and comfortable soft-term solution for the thin waist.
Another thing you can do is exercise. It is a natural and conventional way to lose weight and reduce waist size. You can try special exercises for hips, waistline, and butt. It will help you to get a perfect body shape without any risks.
Healthy Diet
You can also start dieting to reduce weight. Avoid eating processed, sugary and high-calorie food. You can try eating in portions and workout to reduce weight. Eating a healthy and balanced diet is a safer alternative to waist training.
Yoga is another great alternative to get a slim stomach and waist. It is not only good for physical health but mental health as well. You can try yoga postures for reducing belly fat to get a slim waist. It is a safe way to reduce weight.
Why should you not wear a waist trainer?
When you wear a waist trainer, you squeeze your skin and fat and crush the insides. Oesophagus, stomach, and intestines are parts of your digestive system that are greatly affected when you wear a waist trainer. Pressure from waist trainers can force acid to move up to your esophagus, giving you severe heartburn.
How tight should your waist trainer be?
You can choose your compression level according to your preferences. However, choose it wisely to see good results. You will know that your waist trainer is tight enough once you feel it provides compression while making you look slimmer.
When should you not wear waist trainers?
Usually, people tend to wear waist trainers for almost eight hours a day. However, you must avoid wearing them when you go out for exercise or during sleep because they are not comfortable and may cause discomfort while sleeping.
Does wearing a waist trainer daily help in achieving desired results?
Waist trainers do not have a dramatic effect on your body shape. However, wearing it eight hours a day helps you reduce your portions, leading to weight loss. It is the quickest way to lose weight while consuming a healthy diet. Moreover, wearing them every day for extended hours can cause severe health problems.
Why should you not wear a waist trainer for extended hours?
When waist training, wear it for a maximum of eight to ten hours daily. Wearing it for more than ten hours can damage your insides and cause breathing problems.